Domain Searches (beta)
We are in the process of tagging the dictionary entries so that in
the end, it will be possible to limit searches to a particular
domain if a general search comes up with too many results. For
example, if you search for wing, you get a lot of results to
do with flying and sports but if you limit your search to sports,
games, gambling, then you get only results relating to this domain,
potentially helping you find the result you were looking for more
Full results:
Limited to Spòrs etc:
So far we’ve tagged only about 10% of entries so it will be of
limited usefulness at this stage.
The one feature relating to the domains searches which is more or
less complete relates to place-names (there will still be a few
stray ones we weren’t able to tag automatically). As you may have
notices, there are two new bullets relating to place-names and that
place-names are excluded from search results by default. This is
because there are now so many place names in the dictionary (and the
number will only go up!) that for certain searches, they really
clutter up the results. For instance, if you’re looking for entries
involving the word baile, you get 20 pages of results
because the dictionary is also giving you place-names. But exclude
these and suddenly there are only 5 pages of results - definitely an
But of course the place names are still there - all you have to do
is to select the other option and they’ll appear as before.
Happy searching!